Here I’m going to tell you something about acne. Acne is a very very common condition it affects almost all age groups infants, teenagers, both men, and women also. So before we start treating the acne we got to know what is the cause of acne. so I’m going to tell you a little about the causes of acne. Acne is usually of three types one is genetic where your parents had acne and you acquire it from your parents another is hormonal acne it can be due to hormonal disturbance in your body. And the last one is acne caused by environmental reasons i.e by Dust, Heat, Sunlight, Sweating, etc all these things can give you acne. Here I will share with you a few simple highly effective home remedies for acne and its treatment.

Generally, you can have acne because of genetic, environmental causes, due to hormonal, some drugs, certain supplements intake, certain cosmetics using too. You have to remember acne can happen and in teenagers, it can go off on its own but remember because of acne, scars may leave on your face that can stay for a long time. Therefore it’s very important to treat your acne early and have a clear face. Generally, acne can be removed or reduced when it is treated.

As it is well known unexpected acne is the worst nightmare for everyone when there an important event. In this article I will share the best home remedies for acne, natural remedies to reduce or remove acne or pimples on your face overnight and permanently. Follow till the end to get rid of these nightmare acne cysts.

Best Home Remedies for Acne
How to Reduce and Remove Acne on Face Naturally

How to Get Rid Of Acne, Home Remedies for Acne, Getting Rid of Acne on Face Overnight

Below mentioned home remedies for acne are easier to make for anybody and these remedies can deal with chronic acne, breakouts, and any type of rashes. These are super simple quick and easy to prepare. Below ingredients mentioned are completely natural and 100% safe, in addition, these ingredients are readily available at everyone’s home. Find here the Best Home Remedies to Treat Acne Scars Naturally.

Remedy 1:  Turmeric Powder and Lemon Mix

Required Ingredients
   1) Turmeric Powder - 1/2 Tea Spoon
   2) Cinnamon Powder - 1 Tea Spoon
   3) Lemon  - 1/2 Table Spoon
   4) Honey - 1 Table Spoon

How to Prepare Mix
  • Here we start with a half teaspoon of turmeric powder, Turmeric powder has medicinal values that can kill bacteria and also helps in healing acne.
  • Now add in 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder, Cinnamon has antiseptic and antifungal properties that reach deep into your pores to cleanse the acne.
  • And then add 1/2 tablespoon of lemon, Lemon contains ascorbic acid that naturally dries out the pimple.
  • Now mix this into a paste by adding 1 tablespoon of honey that aids to open up clogged pores and add hydration to acne cysts or pores.
  • Now with the help of cotton balls take the mixture and apply on the areas of acne.

Remedy 2: Coconut Oil  And Tree Oil for Acne Treatment

Required Ingredients
   1) Coconut Oil -  2 Table Spoons
   2) Tea Tree Oil - 2 - 3 drops

How to Prepare Mix And Use
  • Here we go with the second home remedy to treat acne. Melt two tablespoons of coconut oil.
  • Add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil to the melted coconut oil.
  • Tea tree oil can be harsh and drying on sensitive skin but when paired with nourishing coconut oil antifungal properties of coconut oi perfectly dries out pimples for a quick fix.
  • This remedy works more efficiently to remove acne overnight from home easily.

Remedy 3: Green Tea  and Aloe Vera Gel For Acne

Required Ingredients
   1) 1 Green tea bag
   2) Hot Water
   3) Aloe Vera Gel

How to Prepare Mix And Use
  • Green tea has the power to reduce the redness and puffiness of the acne.
  • Take a bag of green tea and remove the tea leaves from the bag and moisten it with some hot water.
  • When mixed with some cooling aloe vera gel this will cool down those bright red swollen pimples and reduces the pimples on the face.
  • Now with the help fo cotton balls take the mixture and apply on the acne places.

Remedy 4: Cloves and Tomato Mix

Required Ingredients
   1) Big Garlic Clove - 1
   2) Big Tomato - 1/4 part

How to Prepare Mix And Use
  • For this acne remedy, you gonna need a garlic tomato and a blender to make the tomato and garlic paste.
  • Garlic has medicinal value that can kill the bacteria and toxins in your skin by getting deep into pores.
  • Take 1/4th of big tomato and at least one big garlic clove and chop into small pieces.
  • Now blend the tomato and garlic as much as it should look watery.
  • We’re just gonna apply it on to the face and rub gently over the acne areas.
  • Now let this paste be on our face for about two minutes at least.
  • This paste goes deep into your pores and cleans everything out.
  • If you guys are with chronic or severe acne do this remedy consistently every day or regular intervals for two to three months until it’s acnes get disappeared.

Remedy 5: Garlic and Rosewater Mix

Required Ingredients
    1) Garlic
    2) Rosewater

How to Prepare Mix And Use
  • Garlic is pretty similar to ingredients like turmeric and cinnamon and tea tree oil. It has an amazing medicinal value for all-purpose cures.
  • To prepare the mixture to treat the acne mash 2 cloves into a paste and mix it with some rose water.
  • Rosewater can protect your skin from over-drying.
  • Like above use the cotton balls to apply the mix on acne areas.
  • This mixture will help to heal your skin fastly.

Remedy 6: Neem and Honey Remedy For Acne

Required Ingredients
    1) Neem
    2) Honey

How to Prepare Mix And Use
  • As said old home remedies are the best to treat any type of problem, Neem is one such product that has a high medicinal value.
  • Neem oil soothes your skin while curing acne and helps in scar reduction too.
  • Take a tablespoon of neem oil and just mix some with a little bit of honey and apply it on the affected acne areas with the help of cotton balls and see the results.

Remedy 7: Baking Soda Mix

Required Ingredients
    1) Baking Soda Powder
How to Prepare Mix And Use
  • Here comes the natural exfoliant baking soda that can neutralize the ph level of the skin to help depuff any swollen areas.
  • To prepare the mix, Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda with enough water to make a paste and apply it on to the pimple area only.
  • Note Make sure you are not rubbing your skin with this mix, This will end causing harm to the skin.

Remedy 8: Aspirin And Cider Mix

Required Ingredients
   1) Aspirin
   2) Apple cider vinegar
   3) Honey

How to Prepare Mix
  • Aspirin contains salicylic acid that dissolves dissolve all that gross junk under your skin to cure your acne.
  • To prepare the mix,  powder 1-2 tablets of aspirin and mix it with a splash of apple cider vinegar as vinegar adds antibacterial value to the mixture.
  • And finally and some honey for hydration.
  • Combine the ingredients into a paste and allow it to sit on your skin overnight and clean it in the morning.

Try out any of these life-saving recipes to see which gives your skin the best results for an acne-free face. If you guys have any questions please leave them in the comments down below one last thing I would like to hear from you guys if you try this remedy at home and let our audience know your tip and how your skin heals.

DISCLAIMER: This article is for educational and informational purposes only. While we have tried to ensure that the information is sound and accurate, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. The information on this page should not be substituted for professional medical advice and opinions. If you are experiencing any ailments, serious or otherwise, always seek professional medical treatment and advice.


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